3 types of implants are widely used and recognized as the most effective in masticatory and aesthetic functions restoration today :
Two component root form implants are used to create single and multiple restorations with delayed loading in the upper and lower jaws in all types of bone tissue. Modifications with active thread make the transgingival fixing and immediate loading possible, A sufficient volume of bone tissue is required in terms of height and width.
Compressive implants are a single-component implants with a compressive thread. They are used for multiple restorations with immediate loading in the upper and lower jaws with soft and hard bone in cases of deficiency of bone tissue. Flap and transgingival fixing can be used.
Basal implants are used to create multiple restorations in the upper and lower jaws and for placement directly into alveolar processes. The structural characteristics allow placement in zones with severe deficit of bone tissue width and height, in the sockets of extracted teeth, and transgingivally.